The Things They Carried

Tim O’Brien wrote a series of gripping individual stories that were combined to create one book: The Things They Carried. This book recreated the emotion of a Vietnam War draftee before, during, and after the war. In a closer analysis of The Things They Carried the book explains the reason for writing the book, the strategies involved in this style of the writing, and an account of history from the perspective of the author through personal experience.

O’Brien’s thesis centers on the moral of a war story. This thesis is made evident by splitting the book into separate individual stories (vignettes). The stories contain a common argument that O’Brien makes through the use of his characters; morality does not fit within the context of the story. O’Brien makes it very clear throughout the book that the moral of a true war story is that there is no moral. If a war story is not fowl, evil, disgusting, and retched it is not a true war story.
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Machiavelli: Teaching Lessons Learned from Other Teachers

Machiavelli has based his teachings in chapters six, eight, and eighteen of The Prince on other teacher’s actions. The first thing that needs to be made clear is who are the teachers that Machiavelli has based his teachings on? These teachers are previous leaders who taught their lesson through their actions during their period of acquiring and maintaining rule. Their lessons are teaching how to gain and keep power and how leaders should conduct themselves. This is an important lesson for future leaders to learn if they wish to succeed. These teachers provide valuable information on how to acquire a new principality, how a private individual can gain the principate, and how to act as a prince.
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